Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meet Hyrum Lynn Freestone. He arrived on May 12th a few weeks earlier than planned. He weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19inches long. He had to stay in the hospital for a while to get the breathing and eating things down better.
Here is Hyrum talking with us on Skype. He seems pretty interested in the pictures that move.
Hyrum doing the kissy face thing. Here is mimicking his mother Allison.
Here is Hyrum when he slept through a Fourth of July Parade (even the marching bands.)
We love to see his sweet smile and enjoy hearing his verbalizations. We will be traveling to Utah at the end of the month to attend his blessing. I can hardly wait to see and hold the little guy again.


  1. YEA for blogs and Skype! Some easy ways to share our joys with family and friends...aren't we glad for technology? I LOVED looking at the pictures, Cindy. Hyrum looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

    By the way, what a great title for your blog. It's perfect!

  2. What a little doll. So glad to hear he's home and blooming.
