Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Music to Poetry

At my master's class last weekend, the professor had us all close our eyes and listen to a piece of music. Our task was to visualize the music. She chose a classical piece by Yo-Yo Ma, the cellist. It was a peaceful and relaxing experience. Then we opened our eyes and wrote in verse form about what we had seen in our imaginations. Afterward we shared our poems with each other. There was quite a wide variety of images. Everything from an actual concert in an auditorium to dwarfs, trolls and elves marching through the Mines of Moria. This is my effort in that exercise.

When the Cello Begins

When the cello begins to sing
The swallows fly into the air
Dancing swiftly out of sight.

When the cello begins to sing,
The sycamore leaves sweetly sway
Waving merrily to the swallows.

When the cello begins to sing,
The sunflowers nod their shining heads
To the swaying sycamore trees
Waving to the swallows.

When the cello begins to sing,
The graceful deer leap up the hill
Past the nodding sunflowers
And the swaying sycamore trees
Waving to the swallows.

When the cello begins to end,
The sun sinks in the west
As the graceful deer disappear over the hill
The sunflowers cease to nod to
The now still sycamores
Waving good-bye to the swallows.

This was a wonderful exercise in listening and imagining. As a culture we spend very little time listening to our inner selves and connecting with the world around us. This exercise is a good one to try on your own, or with your family.

Relax and enjoy!


  1. Beautiful, Cindy! I LOVE it! Sounds like the world itself is moving to the heartbeat of the music. While reading your poem I could almost "see" a Disney film in progress. :)

  2. Cindy, this is lovely. I like the repetition. The poem has a good "arc" from beginning to end - it's not static - it has movement. This was a good way to begin my morning.
